Crédit Agricole S.A group
today represents ...

46 countries
20 companies
... jobs offers

6 good reasons why we can work together

Your personality,
the strength of the group

Join us and tell us who you are! We care about your aspirations

Your talent,
our future

Choose a career rich in encounters, projects and successes

Your skills,
the power of the group

Your intelligence combined with that of the group forms the bedrock of our success

Your entrepreneurial
your successes

Join a major group to boost your spirit of initiative

Your values,
our commitments

Make your commitment meaningful by contributing to society

Your work-life balance,
our performance

Strike a balance between your ambitions and your professional and personal life


A world of opportunity lies before you

The Crédit Agricole S.A. Group is composed of 20 companies present in 46 countries. Discover them…

Discover our companies
Campaign 1
From 02 June
to 14 September 2020
Alternating summer 2020 campaign