Crédit Agricole Assurances offers unlimited access to the LinkedIn Learning platform to its 5,800 permanent employees in France and abroad. Deployment is underway throughout the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group!

What is it?

– More than 10,000 constantly updated professional training contents created by recognized experts in business, cross-functional or managerial skills.

– The possibility, thanks to AI, of receiving personalized training proposals, and very soon internal job offers from the Crédit Agricole Group, according to one’s professional project and development challenges.

Already over 34% of our employees have opened their accounts in France! Our international entities will be able to do so as soon as their local platforms open.

Career management

Because we believe that there is no such thing as a typical or predetermined career, the choice of this platform encourages curiosity and personalized learning throughout one’s professional career.

Crédit Agricole Assurances has a long-standing commitment to talent development, thanks in particular to :

– a culture of autonomy and progress, reflected in an ambitious training plan and a 30% budget increase.

– HR support that encourages mobility.

Discover our offers here.

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