
Need help?

This site enables you to find out more about career opportunities within Crédit Agricole S.A. and its sister companies.

We have provided you with a Frequently Asked Questions page to assist you.

If your question is about:

– Your application: To follow the status of your applications, you can visit your Candidate Area. At our level, it is unfortunately impossible for us to check the status of your application. However, you can be sure that the people in charge of this will get back to you as soon as possible and provide you with an answer. After 30 days without an appointment with operational staff, you may consider that your file has unfortunately not been retained.

– A technical problem: to best support you, please provide the following information: your browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE), your OS (Windows, Mac, …), the link of the login page and a screen capture of the error (with the time visible).

– A problem when conducting tests online: if you encounter any difficulty in accessing the tests, do not hesitate to contact the cut-e support: or fill in the contact form.

– Work-study programmes: we offer you numerous work-study programmes in all our activities and in all our business lines. We recruit for a period of 1 or 2 years on an apprenticeship or ‘professionalisation’ contract. Do not hesitate to consult all our work-study programmes in the “Our offers” section. All information concerning work-study programmes is available on our page dedicated to work-study programmes.

– Internships: you can find all the information about internships on the page dedicated to internships. Because each school/university operates on its own terms, you can also contact your school/university’s internship office to find out how to sign your internship agreement.

– VIES (international work experience volunteer): all information is available in the VIE section. You can consult all our VIE offers in the section “Our offers”.

– Our opportunities within the Regional Banks: you can consult all our job offers on the Crédit Agricole Regional Banks recruitment website.

– Vacation jobs: we recruit holiday assistants during the summer period (from June to September). Our offers are available from April in the “Our offers” section or on the Crédit Agricole Regional Banks website.

Good to know: our organisation does not handle spontaneous applications. However, we have good news! With more than 1,500 job offers on our recruitment website, there are bound to be opportunities for you. Take our orientation quiz to learn more about our companies and we will direct you to the offers that correspond to you. Access the quiz.

For any other request, you can contact us via the form below:


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