
Internship Investment Advisory M/F

Modifiée le 17/09/2024

  • Lombardie - Italie
  • Analyse financière et économique
  • 2024-91522

Description du poste

Within the local Advisory Team, you will support Senior Investment Advisors in their daily contact with Wealth Managers on the provision of investment advisory services.

Your main mission will be to support Investment Advisors at the interface between the product and investment specialists and the bank's sales teams by assisting them in the preparation of investment proposals for all asset classes, in the development of risk analysis and in portfolio construction activities.

Your tasks will include, among others:

·         Analyze asset allocation proposals

·         Monitor financial markets in order to provide market and financial analysis (advanced Excel files, PowerPoint presentations etc.)

·         Prepare analysis, comments and reports containing operational guidelines

·         Monitor portfolios and positions on a daily basis in order to adjust them according to the Investment Committee's decisions

·         Manage the operational aspects of investments and reporting as agreed with clients

·         Take care of the operational management of the Product Catalogue


You will be exposed to a challenging and rapidly changing international environment, which requires multi-tasking skills, relating to multiple key people within the organization, and meeting tight deadlines. This experience will provide you with the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of all products and services offered to a High or Ultra High Net Worth Individuals target, with a focus on both traditional and innovative investment instruments, from the perspective of one of the most active international banks in this market.


    • Date de prise de fonction
    • 09/09/2024
    • Durée
    • 6
    • Poste avec management
    • Non
    • Cadre / Non Cadre
    • Non cadre
    • Niveau d'étude minimum
    • Bac + 5 / M2 et plus
    • Formation / Spécialisation
    • Ottimo percorso accademico preferibilmente con focus su materie come Financial Markets/Intermediaries, Financial Products/Securities, Corporate Finance, Accounting
    • Niveau d'expérience minimum
    • 0 - 2 ans
    • Compétences recherchées
    • • Attitudine al lavoro e proattività
      • Desiderio di imparare
      • Capacità di analisi e sintesi
      • Senso di responsabilità
    • Outils informatiques
    • • Capacità analitiche e quantitative
      • Buona capacità di creare presentazioni powerpoint
      • Ottima conoscenza di Excel, Powerpoint, Word
      • La conoscenza della piattaforma Bloomberg sarà considerata un forte plus
    • Langues
    • Inglese Fluente; italiano madrelingua
  • Le Groupe Indosuez Wealth Management est la marque mondiale de gestion de fortune du groupe Crédit Agricole, 10ème banque au monde par la taille des actifs (the banker 2022). Suite à l'acquisition de Degroof Petercam, banque belge de premier plan, le Groupe Indosuez Wealth Management intègre le Top 10 des acteurs du secteur de la gestion de fortune en Europe avec plus de 200 milliards d'euros d'actifs sous gestion. Façonné par plus de 145 ans d'expérience, le Groupe Indosuez Wealth Management accompagne des grands clients privés, des familles, des entrepreneurs et des investisseurs professionnels du monde entier en leur proposant un continuum de services et d'offres intégrant Conseil & Financement, Solutions d'investissement, Fund servicing & Solutions technologiques et bancaires. Le Groupe Indosuez Wealth Management détient majoritairement la société Azqore, filiale qui apporte une solution technologique complète et intégrée ainsi que des services d'opérations bancaires aux acteurs de la gestion de fortune. Distingué pour sa dimension à la fois humaine et résolument internationale, le Groupe Indosuez Wealth Management rassemble 4 500 collaborateurs dans 16 différents territoires en Europe, Asie-Pacifique, Moyen-Orient et Amérique du nord.

Indosuez Wealth Management
Indosuez Wealth Management
Indosuez Wealth Management

Indosuez Wealth Management

Internship Investment Advisory M/F

Publiée le 17/09/2024

  • Lombardie - Italie
  • Analyse financière et économique
  • 2024-91522

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