Business Analyst/QA – Cash Management (Payments)

Modifiée le 21/03/2024

  • Singapour - Singapour
  • IT, Digital et Data
  • 2024-87646

Description du poste

Main responsibilities

·   Executing Business Analysis & software testing best practices and Engagement of Stakeholders across Front-to-Back functions.
·   Responsible for all analysis of functional requirements arising from the requirements of business stakeholders, business users and technology.
·   Multi-tasking: Work in Agile – Scrum environment as a BA & QA. Should be able to refine/groom future stories & perform BA tests within the sprint time-box.
·   Managing the requirements and provide design options for the solutions available and guide the team.
·   Evaluation of alternative IT solutions and provide appropriate recommendations.
·   Provide Payments domain expertise to help define a viable business solution, working with the key business sponsors.
·   Ensuring that the services delivered conforms with, and contributes to the development of the business strategy.
·   Assess the impacts on the project plans resulting from change requests, adhoc projects, or technology issues.
·   Coordinating with various users groups and interface teams and getting them on board as interface services for various financial services.
·   Managing stakeholders, risks, issues, quality, and project controls.
·   Work closely with the technical implementation team in bridging the gap from translating functional to technical details
·   Involve in QA activities when needed.
·   Provide functional Guidance to the Team, working closely with developers/Tech Leads for assisting in resolution of queries
Professional Skills and Qualifications

The position requires a minimum of 4 years of relevant business analyst experience with banking IT systems (Payment systems and Core Banking applications)

Key Functional Skills

·   Experience of working on Instant Payment-Europe region or any similar Real time payment processing system or Payment Engine. – Must Have
·   End-to-End payments system knowledge with detailed insights on payment file format ISO20022 (SEPA) and SWIFT. Experience with payments field/value mapping and validations. – Must Have
·   Hands on experience on payment systems and exposure to Payments Hub, Clearing and Settlement, Automated clearing house programs and channels. – Must Have
·   Extensive knowledge on payment life-cycle (Client <> Clearing) for High Value, Mass & Bulk payments and Instant Payments. Also, experience on handling R-Msgs. – Must Have
·   Proficient in User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Functional & System Integration testing of banking and financial applications. – Must have
·   Break SFD & EPIC into developable stories for developers by creating linkage & traceability of requirements.  – Must have
·   Should have high experience in creating Cucumber test cases (gherkin) & working with developers in Behavior Driven Development (BDD). – Good to have
·   Functional automation of Test cases using SOAP UI / Selenium and other automation tools – good to have


Key Functional Skills

·   Experience of working on Instant Payment-Europe region or any similar Real time payment processing system or Payment Engine. – Must Have
·   End-to-End payments system knowledge with detailed insights on payment file format ISO20022 (SEPA) and SWIFT. Experience with payments field/value mapping and validations. – Must Have
·   Hands on experience on payment systems and exposure to Payments Hub, Clearing and Settlement, Automated clearing house programs and channels. – Must Have
·   Extensive knowledge on payment life-cycle (Client <> Clearing) for High Value, Mass & Bulk payments and Instant Payments. Also, experience on handling R-Msgs. – Must Have
·   Proficient in User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Functional & System Integration testing of banking and financial applications. – Must have
·   Break SFD & EPIC into developable stories for developers by creating linkage & traceability of requirements.  – Must have
·   Should have high experience in creating Cucumber test cases (gherkin) & working with developers in Behavior Driven Development (BDD). – Good to have
·   Functional automation of Test cases using SOAP UI / Selenium and other automation tools – good to have
·   Should be connect dots from bigger picture to smaller chunks and maintain Change requirements. – Good to have
·   Experience on at least one of the payment engines like; Dovetail, GPP, Clear2Pay or in-house payment engines & workflows. – Must have

    • Niveau d'étude minimum
    • Bac + 3 / L3
    • Formation / Spécialisation
    • Degree and above in relevant discipline 
    • Niveau d'expérience minimum
    • 3 - 5 ans
  • A propos de Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (Crédit Agricole CIB) Crédit Agricole CIB est la banque de financement et d'investissement du groupe Crédit Agricole, 10ème groupe bancaire mondial en taille de bilan 2021 (The Banker, juillet 2022). Près de 8600 collaborateurs répartis dans plus de 30 implantations en Europe, Amériques, Asie-Pacifique, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord, accompagnent les clients de la Banque dans la couverture de leurs besoins financiers à travers le monde. Crédit Agricole CIB propose à ses clients grandes entreprises et institutionnels une gamme de produits et services dans les métiers de la banque de marchés, de la banque d'investissement, des financements structurés, de la banque commerciale et du commerce international. Pionnier dans le domaine de la finance Climat, la Banque occupe aujourd'hui une position de leader sur ce segment avec une offre complète pour l'ensemble de ses clients. La majorité des postes est éligible au télétravail dans les conditions prévues par notre accord reposant sur le double volontariat (collaborateur & manager) et après une période d'intégration réussie. Crédit Agricole CIB s'engage en faveur de l'insertion des personnes en situation de handicap, ainsi ce poste est ouvert à toutes et à tous. Pour plus d'information : Twitter: LinkedIn:

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Crédit Agricole CIB
Crédit Agricole CIB

Crédit Agricole CIB

Business Analyst/QA – Cash Management (Payments)

Publiée le 21/03/2024

  • Singapour - Singapour
  • IT, Digital et Data
  • 2024-87646

Nos avantages

Une grande variété de métiers

Que vous soyez étudiant, jeune diplômé ou expérimenté, nous vous offrons un environnement de travail stimulant dans lequel vous pourrez développer de nombreuses expertises.

Un environnement international

Nous sommes implantés dans plus de 30 pays à travers le monde et rassemblons plus de 100 nationalités. La dimension internationale de nos activités et la diversité des profils de nos collaborateurs font notre richesse.

Des positions de leadership

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Une stratégie de gestion de carrière

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Des équipes engagées et responsables

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