On Wednesday 25 January – National Anti-Sexism Day in France – Philippe Dumont signed the charter of commitment to “#StOpE au sexisme ordinaire au travail” (Stopping Everyday Sexism at Work), in the presence of Isabelle Lonvis-Rome, French Minister for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities. Two hundred public- and private-sector organisations have already signed this charter. Alongside them, we are committed to sharing and promoting best practices with a view to significantly reducing the incidence of “everyday” sexism.

This charter clearly enshrines eight priority commitments:

1.   Affirming and applying the principle of zero tolerance.
2.   Informing in order to raise awareness of sexist behaviour (acts, declarations, attitudes) and their impacts.
3.   Carrying out targeted training on obligations and best practices in combating everyday sexism.
4.   Disseminating educational tools to employees in order to tackle sexist behaviour in the workplace.
5.   Encouraging all employees to contribute, prevent, identify and respond to sexist behaviour.
6.   Preventing the occurrence of sexist situations and providing personalised support to victims, witnesses and decision-makers for the reporting and handling of sexist behaviour.
7.   Sanctioning misconduct and raising awareness of the associated sanctions.
8.   Measuring and implementing monitoring indicators in order to adapt the policy on combating everyday sexism.

CAA is already committed to building an inclusive working environment that allows everyone to develop their careers and make best use of their expertise without hindrance, fear or impediment, based on mutual respect.