Permanent Contract

Responsable Technique Résidentiel APHP H/F

Modified on 02/02/2025

  • Montrouge - France
  • Real Estate
  • 2025-96181

Job description

Rattaché au Manager Technique, le Responsable Technique a en charge la maintenance technique d’un portefeuille d’immeubles pour lesquels un mandat de Gestion Immobilière a été confié à Crédit Agricole Immobilier.

A ce titre, vous aurez pour missions de :

  • Assurer la maintenance préventive et corrective des sites.
  • Réaliser les remises en état, les rénovations, les agencements des locaux, l’adaptation et les modifications des patrimoines.  
  • Assurer un suivi régulier de la relation locataire et les rencontrer dès que nécessaire de façon à pouvoir anticiper les dénonciations et les problèmes techniques éventuels.
    Répondre avec diligence à toutes sollicitations des locataires (téléphone, mails, courriers).
  • Participer le cas échéant aux réunions d’expertise dans le cadre d’un sinistre, une DO, un contentieux

En liaison avec le Property Manager, vous assurez la gestion technique du patrimoine confié. A ce titre, vous :

  • Visitez régulièrement les immeubles et prenez toutes les mesures nécessaires de sorte d’assurer une parfaite qualité d’entretien des sites (gardiennage, entretien, dysfonctionnements d’équipements communs etc… )
  • Participez à l’élaboration du programme d’entretien en veillant à limiter les charges
  • Elaborez en liaison avec le Property Manager et le responsable de patrimoine le plan pluriannuel de travaux
  • Engagez le programme de travaux validé par le mandant dans le respect des procédures et délégations et en veillant au strict respect des budgets et des plannings (vous initiez les appels d’offres, arbitrez les devis et en assurez le suivi en termes de délais, conformité)
  • Vous assurez du respect des formalités administratives dans le cadre des opérations suivies (dépôt de PC, de déclaration préalable, diagnostics avant travaux, souscription des assurances TRC, DO dès que nécessaire), vérifiez la bonne réalisation des travaux commandés, les réceptionner et certifier les factures
  • Assurez le pilotage des différents intervenants (prestataires, maîtres d’œuvres, syndics, administrations) et communiquez aux locataires et au Property Manager les contraintes, les précautions à prendre et le planning des opérations engagées. 

    • Starting date
    • 03/02/2025
    • Position with management
    • No
    • Executive / Non Executive
    • Cadre
    • Minimum level of study
    • 1-year Master's (M1)
    • Training / Specialization
    • Idéalement de formation Bac+ 4 à Bac +5 en technique
      Idéalement une première expérience en technique sur du résidentiel ou chez un bailleur social
    • Minimum experience level
    • 3-5 years
  • As part of its development and ambition to become a key player in the real estate sector, Crédit Agricole Real Estate is expanding its teams in property development, property transactions, property management and business real estate, as well as property advisory and valuation. To support our clients with their real-estate needs, join us and help us build Crédit Agricole Real Estate. Your success will contribute to the success of our business. By working every day in the interest of society, we are a group committed to diversity and inclusion. All our positions are open to people with disabilities.

Crédit Agricole immobilier
Crédit Agricole immobilier
Crédit Agricole immobilier

Crédit Agricole immobilier

Responsable Technique Résidentiel APHP H/F

Published the 27/01/2025

Permanent Contract
  • Montrouge - France
  • Real Estate
  • 2025-96181

Our advantages

An innovator, attentive to real estate needs

CA Immobilier is an innovative player that listens to the real estate needs of the market, the Group and the Regional Banks. Growth in all of its activities and customer relations present new essential structural challenges. CA Immobilier helps to create and enhance our living spaces, both residential and tertiary, with an active approach of environmental and social responsibility.

A pleasant environment

By providing a pleasant environment for its staff, CA Immobilier aims to promote a comfortable working life for everyone and emphasises the personal development of all.

People at the heart of the business

By putting people at the heart of its business, CA Immobilier closely supports its staff throughout their professional careers, in order to grow together while adhering to the Group's values.

Development of a diversifying activity

The prospect of helping to develop a stand-out activity in a large banking group: real estate

An innovator, attentive to real estate needs

CA Immobilier is an innovative player that listens to the real estate needs of the market, the Group and the Regional Banks. Growth in all of its activities and customer relations present new essential structural challenges. CA Immobilier helps to create and enhance our living spaces, both residential and tertiary, with an active approach of environmental and social responsibility.

A pleasant environment

By providing a pleasant environment for its staff, CA Immobilier aims to promote a comfortable working life for everyone and emphasises the personal development of all.

People at the heart of the business

By putting people at the heart of its business, CA Immobilier closely supports its staff throughout their professional careers, in order to grow together while adhering to the Group's values.

Development of a diversifying activity

The prospect of helping to develop a stand-out activity in a large banking group: real estate

An innovator, attentive to real estate needs

CA Immobilier is an innovative player that listens to the real estate needs of the market, the Group and the Regional Banks. Growth in all of its activities and customer relations present new essential structural challenges. CA Immobilier helps to create and enhance our living spaces, both residential and tertiary, with an active approach of environmental and social responsibility.

A pleasant environment

By providing a pleasant environment for its staff, CA Immobilier aims to promote a comfortable working life for everyone and emphasises the personal development of all.

People at the heart of the business

By putting people at the heart of its business, CA Immobilier closely supports its staff throughout their professional careers, in order to grow together while adhering to the Group's values.

Development of a diversifying activity

The prospect of helping to develop a stand-out activity in a large banking group: real estate

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