Type de contrat :

ALTERNANCE - Chargé(e) de Ressources Humaines H/F

Modified on 10/03/2025

  • Lieu : Montrouge - France
  • Secteur : Human Resources
  • Numéro de l'offre : 2025-96655

Job description

Vous êtes à la recherche d'une alternance à partir de septembre 2025 ? Vous souhaitez développer vos compétences en Ressources Humaines et contribuer à des projets motivants ?


Rejoignez la Direction des Ressources Humaines de Crédit Agricole Immobilier !


Dans le cadre d'un contrat d'apprentissage de 24 mois, vous seconderez l’équipe Gestion de carrières et Recrutement dans la gestion administrative du personnel, le recrutement, les projets RH et l’application de la politique RH du Groupe.

Vous accueillerez les nouveaux collaborateurs et serez l’interlocuteur(rice) de l’ensemble des salariés sur l’ensemble des questions RH.

Vous interviendrez notamment sur les missions suivantes :


Suivi des dossiers individuels des collaborateurs (métiers de la promotion immobilière) :

  • Constitution des dossiers de recrutement via notre outil d’onboarding
  • Rédaction des contrats de travail et avenants
  • Déclarations d’embauche
  • Visites médicales
  • Suivi des périodes d’essai
  • Suivi des demandes de télétravail, renouvellement et avenants
  • Enregistrement et suivi des ruptures conventionnelles
  • Gestion des bons de commande et des factures de l'équipe
  • Mise à jour et suivi des tableaux de bord RH
  • Rédaction des divers courriers RH

Participation au processus de recrutement :

  • Publication d’offres d’emploi
  • Pré-sélection de CV 
  • Recrutement et suivi des alternants/stagiaires (montage et suivi des dossiers de financement, relations avec les écoles et l’OPCO en lien avec le service formation)
  • Conduite des entretiens de recrutement en binôme avec une RRH puis en toute autonomie

En complément, vous participerez à des projets RH (mise en place de nouveaux outils RH, automatisation des process, …).

Si vous avez envie de rejoindre une équipe RH dynamique et travailler sur des sujets variés, nous attendons votre candidature !


Parce qu’être en situation d’handicap n’est pas un handicap en entreprise, nous, Crédit Agricole Immobilier, ouvrons nos métiers à tous les talents, sans exception.

  • Starting date
    Position with management
    Executive / Non Executive
    Non cadre
    Minimum level of study
    1-year Master's (M1)
    Training / Specialization

    Master en Ressources Humaines (Ecole RH, Ecole de commerce ou Université).

    Une première expérience RH sur des fonctions généralistes est indispensable.

    Minimum experience level
    0-2 years
    Skills needed
    • Excellent sens du service client
    • Bon relationnel et goût pour le travail en équipe
    • Qualités rédactionnelles indispensables
    • Force de proposition
    • Discrétion, rigueur et curiosité sont également des qualités requises pour le poste

    Mais ce que nous recherchons avant tout : c’est un état d’esprit ! Une personne motivée qui partage nos valeurs proximité, de transparence, de responsabilité et d’excellence relationnelle.
    IT tools

    Bonne maitrise du Pack office notamment Excel.

  • As part of its development and ambition to become a key player in the real estate sector, Crédit Agricole Real Estate is expanding its teams in property development, property transactions, property management and business real estate, as well as property advisory and valuation. To support our clients with their real-estate needs, join us and help us build Crédit Agricole Real Estate. Your success will contribute to the success of our business. By working every day in the interest of society, we are a group committed to diversity and inclusion. All our positions are open to people with disabilities.

Crédit Agricole immobilier

Crédit Agricole immobilier

ALTERNANCE - Chargé(e) de Ressources Humaines H/F

Published the 10/02/2025

Type de contrat :
  • Montrouge - France
  • Human Resources
  • 2025-96655

Our advantages

An innovator, attentive to real estate needs

CA Immobilier is an innovative player that listens to the real estate needs of the market, the Group and the Regional Banks. Growth in all of its activities and customer relations present new essential structural challenges. CA Immobilier helps to create and enhance our living spaces, both residential and tertiary, with an active approach of environmental and social responsibility.

A pleasant environment

By providing a pleasant environment for its staff, CA Immobilier aims to promote a comfortable working life for everyone and emphasises the personal development of all.

People at the heart of the business

By putting people at the heart of its business, CA Immobilier closely supports its staff throughout their professional careers, in order to grow together while adhering to the Group's values.

Development of a diversifying activity

The prospect of helping to develop a stand-out activity in a large banking group: real estate

An innovator, attentive to real estate needs

CA Immobilier is an innovative player that listens to the real estate needs of the market, the Group and the Regional Banks. Growth in all of its activities and customer relations present new essential structural challenges. CA Immobilier helps to create and enhance our living spaces, both residential and tertiary, with an active approach of environmental and social responsibility.

A pleasant environment

By providing a pleasant environment for its staff, CA Immobilier aims to promote a comfortable working life for everyone and emphasises the personal development of all.

People at the heart of the business

By putting people at the heart of its business, CA Immobilier closely supports its staff throughout their professional careers, in order to grow together while adhering to the Group's values.

Development of a diversifying activity

The prospect of helping to develop a stand-out activity in a large banking group: real estate

An innovator, attentive to real estate needs

CA Immobilier is an innovative player that listens to the real estate needs of the market, the Group and the Regional Banks. Growth in all of its activities and customer relations present new essential structural challenges. CA Immobilier helps to create and enhance our living spaces, both residential and tertiary, with an active approach of environmental and social responsibility.

A pleasant environment

By providing a pleasant environment for its staff, CA Immobilier aims to promote a comfortable working life for everyone and emphasises the personal development of all.

People at the heart of the business

By putting people at the heart of its business, CA Immobilier closely supports its staff throughout their professional careers, in order to grow together while adhering to the Group's values.

Development of a diversifying activity

The prospect of helping to develop a stand-out activity in a large banking group: real estate

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