HR actions rewarded!

We are committed in the same way as our company and its business plans is.

To work every day in the interest of our customers, our employees and society.

Our Human-centric Project has triggered many structuring projects such as the Youth Plan, our actions in favour of diversity, gender diversity and disability. These projects generate concrete actions and initiatives around the world, in each of our companies, and thus reinforce our HR values and commitments that are awarded in ranking tables.

  • Potentialpark Communicating What Matters France 2025 – 2

    A top HR digital strategy in France

    The Potential Park ranking highlights the most effective digital strategies for Employer Branding in France, showcasing our commitment to providing candidates with a smooth, simple, and innovative digital experience. We are dedicated to meeting their expectations with an intuitive application process and a clear career site, which is constantly evolving.
    We are proud to maintain our second-place position in the overall ranking and will continue to innovate to offer talents the best possible experience.

  • Most Attractive Employers France Universum 2024

    An appeal highlighted by Universum

    Universum specializes in evaluating attractiveness and employer branding, both in France and internationally. Each year, over 70,000 respondents, including students and professionals at all educational levels, rank us as the second most attractive company in our sector on average.
    The factors that set us apart are our values, especially our HR strategy that supports and develops our employees with trust and kindness.

    Corporate Social Responsibility Most Associated Employers France Universum 2023

    Crédit Agricole Group, a reference employer in CSR commitments in its sector

    We hold the top spot in the 2023 Universum CSR ranking among companies in the financial services sector. This ranking recognizes the employers most committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the eyes of candidates.
    This distinction highlights the actions undertaken by the Group through its Societal Project and Human Project, particularly our priorities: equity and diversity, through our Diversity Policy, as well as the training and employment of young people, driven by our Youth Plan.

  • LinkedIn Top Companies France 2024

    We hold 3rd place in the LinkedIn Top Companies 2024 ranking

    Every year, LinkedIn recognizes the top 25 companies in France that are most conducive to career acceleration and development, based on criteria such as career prospects, skill development, internal relationships, and gender equality.
    This recognition underscores the ambition of our Human Project, which aims to empower each employee to take responsibility for their development and mobility, in order to progress and give their best.

  • We are among the companies that recruit the most!

    We are the 1st of financial services recruiter in France according to the ranking by Le Figaro of the 300 largest companies in France.

    This award rewards our commitment to supporting employment in France and in particular youth employment.

  • We are “feminising” our governing bodies!

    The ‘Feminisation Award’ ranks the 120 largest French companies each year, highlighting their commitment to gender equality in the workplace. This ranking was established as part of the follow-up to the Copé-Zimmermann law.

    What a pride to be ranked 38th/120!