Ranking of the representation of women on the boards of SBF 120 companies
We have risen significantly in this ranking on the representation of women on the boards of SBF 120 companies. Our Group has gained 63 places between 2015 and 2022, rising from 90th to 27th place.
This annual ranking highlights the commitment of the 120 largest French companies to increase the proportion of women on their boards and to foster professional equality between men and women.
Financial Times “Diversity Leaders” ranking
In 2022, our Group was recognised by the Financial Times, in its “Diversity Leaders” ranking, as the second company in France in the financial services sector in terms of diversity.
At European level, we rank in the top half of a panel of 850 companies from 16 countries (Germany, England, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden).