Our Group is defined by a unified, decentralised and entrepreneurial culture where humanity is what brings us together: it embodies diversity.

We want to continue to affirm our culture, which sets us apart. We make a commitment to our employees by guaranteeing equity and the promotion of Diversity with the objective of inclusion.
To strive for real inclusion means implementing actions enabling us to experience Diversity positively throughout the Group, at all levels, in all our companies and all our governing bodies. Such is our ambition!

To meet this challenge, we have set ourselves four priorities with concrete commitments:

  • Continue to increase the number of women in management
  • Make our talent pools more international
  • Develop social diversity, integrate young people and promote the transfer of knowledge by our more experienced employees
  • Step up our commitments regarding disability by increasing our recruitment efforts and creating conditions that encourage the recognition of employees with disabilities


We are convinced that tolerance and openness to others contribute to a sense of belonging among our employees. Greater diversity and better inclusion of differences are the essential ingredients for strengthening our values and for more efficient, creative and innovative operating methods.

"As companies, the diversity of our teams, their roots and their experience are all exceptional sources of creativity and energy."

Philippe Brassac, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A.

To foster “living and working well together”, we raise awareness among employees of the significance and strength of diversity including the impact of stereotypes and accepting differences in our everyday lives.

Diversity is also a matter of perspective… and this is best expressed by our employees!

Gender diversity

We are actively involved in promoting gender diversity and have been implementing an ambitious action plan over the last six years that aims to:

  • Further increase the number of women in management
  • Continue to raise awareness among all our employees
  • Support the transformation of our managerial culture

This proactive policy is beginning to bear fruit!

  • The significant increase in the gender balance of the Executive Committee of the Crédit Agricole SA Group: from 6.5% in 2016 to 37.5% today
  • The number of women in senior management positions of Group entities (Top 150) is of 22.5% at 31 December 2022,
  • The existence of gender diversity networks with 12 networks in France and internationally. The “Cercle Potentielles”, which brings together Crédit Agricole S.A.’s eight existing internal gender diversity networks in France, was officially launched on 29 June 2018 with a charter signed jointly by the Cercle Potentielles and Crédit Agricole S.A.’s senior management to increase the impact of gender diversity initiatives. In addition, the Group strengthened its commitments to gender equality with the signing of the Charte Financielles on 16 November 2021, and became a signatory to the Women’s Empowerment Principles on 27 July 2022.
  • The renewal, on 9 October 2023, of a Global Agreement that provides a common social basis for our 72,000 employees working in the countries where the Group operates. This agreement includes, in particular, a strong commitment to parenthood, raising paid maternity leave to 16 weeks for all employees

More internationally diverse talent pools

With more than half of our employees working abroad, the Group has set itself the challenge of creating more internationally diverse talent pools.

Social diversity and inclusion of young people

We are convinced that young people’s first contact with the world of work is crucial and can be decisive for their successful entry into professional life.

430 middle school students did their workplace observation internship with us in 2022
3,583 work-study students were trained in 2022
  • We are committed to opening our doors to young people from “priority education areas”.
  • We are reinforcing our apprenticeship actions. In 2022, 3,583 work-study students and 3,353 interns were trained in the Crédit Agricole S.A. group. Our objective is to welcome 50,000 young people by 2025
  • We continue to integrate work-study students, interns and fixed-term contracts by converting 25% of such contracts into permanent contracts each year

Disability: a sustainable commitment for the past 15 years

Since 2005, our Group has been pursuing a proactive disability policy. This ambition has enabled our Group to make steady progress in the areas of recruitment, job retention, purchasing from the sheltered employment sector (STPA) and employee awareness-raising. It has also enabled us to set up a disability community, lead it and professionalise those involved.

Our employment rate for people with disabilities has risen from less than 2% in 2005 to 5.53% by the end of 2022 (i.e. 2,161 employees with disabilities).

With a 7th Disability Agreement for 2023-2025, the Group aims to move from integration to inclusion.

To achieve this, a number of initiatives are being implemented to raise awareness and change the way people view disability.

In 2022, Crédit Agricole S.A. committed to rolling out communication and awareness-raising initiatives on the issue of disability for all employees, including a conference in June entitled “Tous handicapés par nos stéréotypes” (“All handicapped by our stereotypes”), hosted by Patrick Scharnitzky. For the 2022 edition of the Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEPH), Crédit Agricole S.A. deployed various measures to combat prejudice linked to disability, notably through a communication campaign entitled “Talented individuals who challenges preconceptions “, with a conference on “dys” disorders led by a film industry celebrity with an invisible disability who is involved in raising awareness of these disorders, and a culinary workshop run by a renowned chef with a visible disability who is committed to the support and professional inclusion of people with disabilities.

Our progress in external rankings

Ranking of the representation of women on the boards of SBF 120 companies

We have risen significantly in this ranking on the representation of women on the boards of SBF 120 companies. Our Group has gained 63 places between 2015 and 2022, rising from 90th to 27th place.

This annual ranking highlights the commitment of the 120 largest French companies to increase the proportion of women on their boards and to foster professional equality between men and women.

Financial Times “Diversity Leaders” ranking

In 2022, our Group was recognised by the Financial Times, in its “Diversity Leaders” ranking, as the second company in France in the financial services sector in terms of diversity.

At European level, we rank in the top half of a panel of 850 companies from 16 countries (Germany, England, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden).