The benefits we offer

Would you like to work in a stimulating and rewarding professional environment?

At Crédit Agricole Midcap Advisors, we have a responsible employment policy. We support our employees’ skills development by investing in their ongoing training. We offer a pleasant working environment in an eco-designed building and, since 2018, our whole team benefits from teleworking days. We run our projects in a collaborative way, encouraging a spirit of initiative and empowerment. Every year, we measure team satisfaction via a survey to identify our strengths and areas for improvement.

A Works Council

You will be given a Works Council envelope that will enable you to take a well-earned rest! We contribute to your various cultural and holiday expenses so that you can enjoy them to the full.

Green campus

Based on an innovative approach that combines living and construction, our spaces aim to promote the design and operation of a new type of building that places more emphasis on nature in the city.