Can you describe the job of credit analyst in more detail?
As a credit risk analyst within RPC, I am in charge of a portfolio of Corporate clients in the healthcare sector, in particular large pharmaceutical companies. My role is to identify, analyse and control the Bank’s exposure to counterparty risks.
For this, I am in charge of the credit applications that are initiated by the Front Office. After analysis and discussions with the various parties involved, I give an independent risk opinion and recommendations. Depending on the level of delegation, certain files may be presented to various internal credit committees.
What are the peak periods of your job during the year?
There are no peak periods as such. Our workload is directly related to that of the different banking business lines that initiate credit applications. In addition, as part of our work, we must keep abreast of changes in the groups and counterparties within our scope of responsibility in order to ensure an early warning role if necessary.
It is true, however, that our activity is particularly correlated with the economic situation; for example, the Covid-19 health crisis and the various support measures put in place by the French government and the Crédit Agricole Group resulted in a very large flow of applications (applications for state guaranteed loans, waivers, new money, etc.).
Can you describe your typical day?
I am lucky because I can organise my days as I like, which doesn’t mean that I don’t have daily discussions with my colleagues and managers. I also interact with many other employees, whether in the business lines, senior bankers who manage the client relationship, delegates and other support functions within the bank. In the end, our contacts are really very diverse, which I particularly appreciate!