Can you describe your typical day?
On a day-to-day basis, I make sure that the inspectors and their deputies are improving their skills within their audit scope and that the team works well together. We always work together as a team, which allows us to get to know each other and generate teambuilding opportunities outside of work!
Depending on the phases of the mission, I may have to travel to the audited entities to conduct interviews, or stay at the General Inspectorate headquarters to draft recommendations and the final report and answer questions from the IS supervisor.
What career path is required to reach your position and what are the possibilities for development?
I joined the Group General Inspectorate right after I graduated with a Master’s degree in Information Systems Engineering. I work every day with junior auditors who have graduated from university or business/engineering school and also with more experienced staff with an IT background.
Aside from the academic background, you must above all be motivated, curious and not be afraid to learn during the six-year programme.
There is a vast range of career opportunities: I could join the Group’s IS Department or a business unit, specialise in a technical field or manage a team.
Thanks to the diversity of the missions and professions I have encountered, as well as the cross-functional skills I have acquired throughout my career, I am able to identify my preferences for the various professions.