What are the peak periods of your job during the year?
The peak periods of our business are linked not so much to the size of the operations as to their complexity. Except for the annual goodwill impairment tests, there are no really seasonal operations. Operations can occur at any time for a period that may vary from a few weeks to several years. The most exciting periods are, by their very nature, the negotiation and finalisation stages of the transactions in which you will be involved.
Can you describe your typical day?
What is so special about our job is that there is no typical day. We can simultaneously take part in negotiations with the counterparty, in a contract review session, delve into a complex valuation exercise, take stock with specialist colleagues on a specific issue (tax, legal, solvency, etc.), organise and take part in the steering committee of a project or simply celebrate the success of a transaction over a drink. You therefore have to be flexible because the evenings can be long and some week-ends spent working. But we are never bored!